Holland, Libro de Mormon y Huish Family

Saludos Querido Familia y Amigos,

This week has been quite a week; full of learning and wonderful experiences. 

As you all know, the mission had the oportunidad to meet all in the capital and hear from Elder Jeffery R. Holland. Yes, it was awesome!!!  To start, he entered and said he wanted to greet each of us, know our name and where we are from. Sitting on the end, ready to lead, I was able to be the FIRST missionary to shake his hand!!! It was honestly so fun to watch him interact so personally with every missionary, some 240 of us and some kids from the CCM. He told us he just had an interview with each one of us and we are doing well.
We started the conference and Elder Holland had to step out briefly to report to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and First Presidency, seeing how we met at the exact same hour they meet in the temple. So we heard from President y Hermana… then Elder Holland spoke to us and talked about being a missionary. He said that this is the “REAL LIFE” and there is no turning back. What we put in is what we get out, so we need to go in the deep end and serve. We are working for the salvation of souls!
He also talked a lot about being missionaries then talked about how Christ is the cornerstone of the Church while The Book of Mormon is the keystone. We need to teach from The Book of Mormon, almost every single page testifies of Christ (even and especially the Isaiah parts).

In honor of Elder Holland the mission will be reading the LDM (El Libró de Mormón) in 100  days, starting today! What Elder Holland does is 1) starts reading his scriptures, 2) marks them and 3) gives them away. So we are each reading a new LDM with a topic or idea in mind, looking for and marking this topic, and then giving it away to someone. So excited! I’m not exactly sure what topic I am going to study yet but probably a Christ-like Attribute, I have some in mind. If y’all would like to join us you are welcome to!

That same day we had time for a few lessons. One of them being with Ruben and man, it was a good one. He is super flojo in his scripture study so we talked about The Book of Mormon. Hna Graham and I testified and man, was the Spirit strong! Afterwards he actually shared his testimony of The Book of Mormon. Never have I EVER heard him bear his testimony.  What a cool moment. I dont know when he will be active or when he will decide but I truly believe that he will return. That lesson showed that yes, The Book of Mormon is a very good place to start.

To finish up The Book of Mormon stuff: I invite all of you to read it from the start and choose a topic to study or read it for someone. I know that as you do this your relationship with Christ will grow and your love for the book and the restored gospel will grow.  This is the evidence of all that I know to be true. I hope you each may find the same joy and knowledge that I have as you start this challenge.

Ok, Wilkin… He is hilarious and is really starting to change. We walked up the other day and he was painting his nails. Don’t ask me why but he thought it was fun. ¡Ay mi madre! haha Nevertheless, I’m really excited for his baptism as well as a little nervous. His desire is sincere but we are struggling a little with his learning difficulties. We would appreciate some extra prayers! Thanks.

I saw the Huish family yesterday and they are super sweet! It was fun to see them and take a few pictures and talk for a few minutes. ALSO, thank you for the package!!! I haven’t opened the wrapped stuff except for the tape… it’s so cute!

Tomorrow we are off to the temple! Woot woot! I love waking up at 3 in the morning… 😛 but I really do love the temple and I really am excited. 

Con amor,

Hermana Johnson

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